I have really struggled to deal with Mister’s suspensory issue, knowing the surgery cannot be covered by insurance, and other lameness issues were present and undiagnosed during the lameness work-up, and feeling so uncertain about his ridden future. At a time when Ben has retired and Django was turned away, leaving me without anything to ride, it was hard to not feel very selfishly about being out of the saddle.


I tried to put Mister on grass livery so he wasn’t stressed about the other horses coming in and out to work, but he was like a boomerang and came back here in less than two weeks, after falling over in their field, badly cutting his legs and needing to be box rested. Then, with the weather being so horrific, I didn’t want to send him back, and while no one has really been doing any work it didn’t seem a problem. And with losing Ben, I was just happy to have him around!

Now we are heading into spring, and with everyone coming back into work, I have made plans to send him off on grass livery again. Hopefully, this time he will be able to give the leg the rest it needs, with plans to do a lameness work-up in October, which will be 12 months from the original injury. I have everything crossed it will work out, as he is just the easiest, most laid-back and keen horse, and only 12 years old.

On a brighter note, I have been offered an amazing opportunity, and there are plans to get back in the saddle, so watch this space!

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