Paula’s blog – A terrifying fright

Paula’s blog – A terrifying fright


I’ve been doing a lot more focusing on Bob recently, with a lesson booked last week, ahead of our first show. A couple of days before the lesson, I decided it was time to step up from canter poles and trial a couple of jumps. He did so well and didn’t once have an issue.

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Paula’s blog – Why did I do it?

Paula’s blog – Why did I do it?


Hmm, I’m rethinking why I bought Freya at present, as the little madam is certainly testing me! She’s going through a “spooky” phase at the moment, where everything and anything makes her jump – not so much of a problem unless you are brushing or tacking her up, as I found a few days ago.

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Emma’s blog – We're back out!

Emma’s blog – We're back out!


I am so pleased to say that after a couple of months at the garage my horsebox is back, finally! This meant that over the bank holiday weekend I took full advantage and was out with the boys almost every day (when the weather allowed).

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