How to care for a horse in winter

How to care for a horse in winter


Owners need to check their horse’s health and wellbeing all year round, but winter can be an especially challenging time. From the cold unpredictable weather, to sparse fields and animals being more prone to illness, your horse will need more care and attention over the winter months.

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Paula's Blog - A very injured hand

Paula's Blog - A very injured hand


It’s almost that time of year when it really begins to feel festive! We finally got our tree and decorations up at home (and decorated the dogs much to their dismay) but due to the wet weather have abandoned the idea of the yard as the horses have been in for almost three weeks...

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10 signs your horse is happy!

10 signs your horse is happy!


As a horse owner, your two main jobs are to keep them happy and healthy. The two often go hand in hand, but it isn’t always obvious as to how your horse is feeling. Unless you are tuned into their emotions and have a good understanding of equine body language, you might miss their mood altogether!

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