Paula’s Blog - A new trial for Bob?

Paula’s Blog - A new trial for Bob?


That was a bit of a chilly one last week – did many people get snow? We weren’t hit too bad the first day, however, when I woke the next morning, it was a different story! There was a thick layering with more to come. Cue an early wake up call to the other half to come with me to the yard. You wouldn’t believe that it snowed most of the morning as by the time I finished work it had all melted and evaporated.

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Paula’s Blog – Back to basics…again!

Paula’s Blog – Back to basics…again!


After my painful dismount at the show, I decided that we would have a couple of weeks away from competition and start having a few lessons in between. Annoyingly injuries, plans/events and money had meant we hadn’t been able to schedule a lesson in for over eight weeks. I didn’t even realise it had been that long! 

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