Christie's Blog - Light at the end of the tunnel!

Christie's Blog - Light at the end of the tunnel!


Who else has felt the pain of this winter? It's hard to believe we are coming into spring, and yet the last of lockdown is still keeping those winter blues in place! Unfortunately due to the weather here, and the ridiculous hot headed nature of my horses, combined with no travel or arena hire allowed I haven't been able to take the boys out anywhere or ride.

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How to retrain an ex-racehorse

How to retrain an ex-racehorse


Ex-racers who have already been away from the track for some retraining can be suitable for a whole range of equine disciplines. However, if you’re looking to buy a horse fresh from a racing career, then you’ll need to do some careful research into retraining. To get you started we’ve put together some guidance on how to retrain one of these sensitive and spirited animals.

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Tips for tacking up a horse

Tips for tacking up a horse


Horses have played important roles in society for thousands of years, from farming and transport to warfare. Today they generally live more leisurely lives, but you might find them serving in the police force, competing in famous races, or helping out on the farm.

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Christie's Blog - Back with a Bang!

Christie's Blog - Back with a Bang!


Yassss! Yesss! Horaaah! Finally! I am back on a horse - horses - all of them have been off the yard! It actually feels like an eternity but the minute Boris announced the "road out of lockdown", I sat with the calendar and got filling, admittedly we had a slight hiccup as the lorry despite it's fancy repaint, apparently didn't appreciate being sat still for 4 months and my steering broke, but after many, many pestering phone calls to my mechanic daily (oops) we were back on the road within a week!

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Paula's Blog - An Easter Outing

Paula's Blog - An Easter Outing


Did everyone have an enjoyable bank holiday weekend? I was definitely in need of a few days off as the excitement of finally having the arena (and riding every day) plus getting to grips with my new job had made me a lot more tired than I realised, so the lie in’s until 6am each day were much appreciated!

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