Paula’s blog – Dressage horse wannabe!

Paula’s blog – Dressage horse wannabe!


The horses are finally living out – hurrah! Although I’ve had them in for the odd night of heavy rain (yes, I know I’m too soft), they are now out full-time, which means fewer stable duties. It does, however, mean more paddock maintenance and, boy, do we have a lot of that?

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Paula’s blog – Freya the destructive

Paula’s blog – Freya the destructive


We’ve been a bit quieter the past week or so, as I’ve been tied up with visiting my mum more as she’s unwell and having to go into hospital for an operation. As much as I’ve tried, with all the worry and stress I just haven’t been able to muster up much energy to ride. 

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Emma’s blog – Arnie Bear

Emma’s blog – Arnie Bear


After a nice winter break, I have finally brought Arnie back into a level of consistent work, and I am so pleased with how nicely he’s going. I really do believe in winter breaks, especially when they are that bit younger, and this one has really done him the world of good.

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Christie’s blog – New arrival

Christie’s blog – New arrival


With things getting off to a rocky start – I think I read this is the worst rainfall in over 50 years! – what better pick-me-up than the “Fred & Rowena Cook: A Life After Racing” rehoming service contacting me about the most precious four-year-old gelding, who was looking for a new home straight from the British Racing School (BRS)?

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