Paula’s blog – Not the day I had planned!

Paula’s blog – Not the day I had planned!


What a difference a few days makes in the weather. I quite enjoyed the hard frosts as the horses came in relatively clean and it gave them (and me) a break from the sloshy mud, although after it defrosted it was a bit squishy for a time. I do have to say though the evenings being slightly lighter for longer is nice as is the dry weather – roll on spring!

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Christie’s Blog - Mister Mister

Christie’s Blog - Mister Mister


I have a wonderful new addition to the family, another ex-racer from the same yard as Ben and he really has made quite the entrance to the family. On the night I was due to see him, I was staying with my work in Derby and he was in Lincoln.

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Paula’s Blog - The trio are kicking off for the New Year

Paula’s Blog - The trio are kicking off for the New Year


Happy New Year Everyone! We hope you had a nice festive and New Year break. We got struck down (and I’m still currently sick) with the flu bug going around! However, being the stubborn madam that I am, I didn’t let that, or a sore back stop me too much over the break - although I did have to pull out of the show I had planned to attend with Bob (but we’ve rescheduled to another show in 2 weeks’ time instead).

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Paula’s Blog – I feel Bob’s pain!

Paula’s Blog – I feel Bob’s pain!


I can relate more to Bob this year as I now seem to be mimicking him! He had a back treatment earlier in the summer as I noticed he was a bit tight around his withers and now I have - in the last couple of weeks, had to go to the Osteopath again due to increasing issues with my pelvis as well as the doctor and now a physio!

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Paula’s Blog - Eager to get going

Paula’s Blog - Eager to get going


We had our first lesson since Bob’s operation last weekend and I was so pleased with him. He started off nervous but as soon as I got aboard prancing about, (no idea why as he had not done it previously) he soon settled and I had him warmed up ready to go as my instructor pulled up.

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