Paula’s Blog – It was all a bit much.

Paula’s Blog – It was all a bit much.


What a change in the weather. It’s happened quite quickly but I am relieved the horses finally live out full time - yippee! It’s meant I have a bit more time at the yard especially in the mornings, so I’ve taken this extra time to start fitting in morning rides and lunging sessions before work with the trio. I can’t say they are too impressed especially when I pull up after 5am and they are standing there yawning at me but at least we avoid the heat in the evenings.

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The Not-So-Secret Diary of Diva the Shetland Pony - Point to Pointers

The Not-So-Secret Diary of Diva the Shetland Pony - Point to Pointers


Diva’s showing partner, Jackson (Melland Jackson Jive), has been super busy this year with his day job of travelling with Michelle and Paul’s point to pointers. I think he must be a lucky mascot for the horses as both Prairie Town and Give Us a Swig have both had great success on the track. Jackson travels to the gallops with them and goes to the races when they run.

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Paula’s Blog – I didn’t know my shoulder could make that noise!

Paula’s Blog – I didn’t know my shoulder could make that noise!


The weather has sadly taking its toll over the last couple of weeks and like many others, our fun ride was postponed due to heavy rain. A few days before, our ride was postponed to the following bank holiday Monday but was then cancelled as more heavy rain was forecasted throughout the week and on passing the entrance to the field we would have parked in, I completely understand why!

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Christie’s Blog - Accepting Retirement

Christie’s Blog - Accepting Retirement


Last month I had to make the really difficult decision of retiring Ben. Two years ago after a set of broken ribs and some very sudden quirky behaviour, the vets found out Ben had some blindness in his right eye from a cataract. It was only blocking a certain spot and we spent a few weeks doing a lot of work on that side to help desensitise him.

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