Diva’s showing partner, Jackson (Melland Jackson Jive), has been super busy this year with his day job of travelling with Michelle and Paul’s point to pointers. I think he must be a lucky mascot for the horses as both Prairie Town and Give Us a Swig have both had great success on the track.

Jackson travels to the gallops with them and goes to the races when they run. He is always given a leg stretch and pick of grass when at the racecourse and usually gains a bit of a fan club when people see the small black pony walking around near all the thoroughbred racehorses.

Jockey on horse

Prairie Town was fifth on his first outing of the year and then has since won two races, giving jockey Cian Murphy his first winners at just sixteen years old.

Give Us a Swig was sixth first time out and went on to be beaten into second place by the shortest of distances before getting his win in the PPORA Novice Riders Final.

Training racehorses is such hard work, it is fantastic when it all pays off. It makes taking the horses to the gallops six days per week and all the care in between worthwhile.

Horse side view

Michelle and Paul are always very careful to only run the horses on suitable grounds and to try to pick tracks that will suit them. Sometimes it is hard to miss races when the ground is unsuitable, but I think it is safe to say that they got it right! The horses’ successes means that Michelle and Paul gained the most points and won the PPORA series of races.

The pointers will have a summer holiday out in the field and Jackson will be primped and preened for a return to the show ring. Like the racehorses, he is already a winner this year and so has flown the flag for the team successfully too.

Small horse

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