The Not-So-Secret Diary of Diva the Shetland Pony - Mabel

The Not-So-Secret Diary of Diva the Shetland Pony - Mabel


It has been brought to my attention that Mabel has not been mentioned in the blog for quite some time, so I thought I had better rectify that. She is Diva’s best friend and as such does put up with a lot from the bossy little black Shetland.

I have owned Mabel for almost twenty years now, and in all that time I have never seen her bite or kick another horse despite some provocation from them. She is so gentle and kind – with people and horses and ponies.

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Christie's Blog - Surprise Showing Success

Christie's Blog - Surprise Showing Success


Lord Ben and I managed to qualify for ROR Novice Dressage Championships at Blenheim Palace International Horse Trials, and I am not sure if someone thought it would be hilarious to have two days of retrained racehorse on grass arenas. I guess it will prove how well we have all retrained our racehorses!

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Paula's Blog - We did it!

Paula's Blog - We did it!


I am so happy and relieved that we finally got the big lad out to a show (and came home uninjured - result!) The perseverance of practising loading him worked. We made sure we did it at least three times in the week leading up to the show and took him for a short drive on the Saturday so that he was used to it.

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