I have honestly done absolutely nothing, but go to work Monday - Friday, working insanely long hours, and then not leave my house Saturday and Sunday!


Fortunately there is still so much work to do around the yard, and I am incredibly lucky to have my horses at home! 


One thing I have really enjoyed recently though, is just spending time with them out in the field! I think they are as bored as I am, and will run over the minute I go out to them. We also have a new little 6:30am routine, where I will go and lay in the grass with them while they are still in bed!


It's really nice to just stand and appreciate the 'still'. I ask so much of my horses, especially this time of year where we would be out most weekends and riding 5 days a week, that it is nice to feel like you are giving something back.


Work has got a little quieter, and we have spent what we had saved for work around the yard, so here's to hoping I can get my bum back in the saddle very soon. 

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