While the Coronavirus hasn’t affected me too much, day to day, with still being at full time work, I am certainly feeling the boredom in the evenings and weekends with no shows and a lot less riding.

I have made the personal decision at present to not ride Travis. Ben has been foot perfect, so I have chosen to carry riding him at home, but spring grass and turn out, alongside a few weeks off, with an already quirky horses seems like pressure the NHS does not need with Travis!!

However, there is still plenty to do around the yard. We have lots of land that needs a huge amount of renovation, so what better time for us to get all the boring jobs done! Over the long weekend we tackled 100m of new fence line.

This involved digging out the old posts, winding up the old electric fencing, folding up the old stock fencing, unpinning and rolling up the old barbed wire. Then putting in the new posts, painting them, hanging new stock fencing and putting up new electric. In 3 days between just me and my partner, I am super proud of what we have achieved!

Cannot lie though, I have spent all of Easter Monday covered in paint, bruises, cuts, scraps, sunburnt and sore!! But I did still find time to have a rummage through our tip pile and make myself some poles and pole raisers!

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