It’s Been A Year!

It is hard for me to believe that a full year has now passed since Andrew and Hannah Britland of Melland Shetlands delivered Diva to me.

I will never forget the feeling I had when I saw them pull into the yard.

And little did I know quite how much I would fall in love with my diminutive black pony.

Since Halloween is around the corner, I thought I would share a spooky little story of before Diva arrived.

A work colleague had arranged for several of us to go to her house for an evening of readings with a medium.

The medium spoke to us in turn and when she came to me, she said that I had horses.

A safe guess, I thought since we all worked in the equine department of a veterinary hospital.

However, what she said next was right on the money! She said I would be getting another one, but that it would be small.

Small enough that she could be standing next to me near the sofa!

The medium also said that the pony would heal me and had beautiful eyes.

After Diva arrived, the first time anyone met her, without fail, they commented on how lovely her eyes were! As for healing me…?

All I can say is that every day she makes me smile with her funny little ways.

She is intelligent and bright, funny and kind.

She takes everything in her stride despite being so young.

We’ve had great fun at the three shows we attended this year, and I am really looking forward to doing more shows next year as Diva matures.

She is popular at the yard and is jokingly known as the therapy pony as she is always happy to have a cuddle with anyone who needs one.

Here’s to the next year, and I hope you will enjoy following what we get up to!

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