Well, I think the title gives it away: I fell off again!

In my new year’s blog, I noted that I had fallen off Arlo for the first time since owning him for the last five years, and yet somehow I’ve now managed to fall off him twice in three weeks. You really couldn’t make it up.

I was out with the Readyfield bloodhounds again. I’ve been out with them now a few times this season. They really are a great bunch and I always have a lot of fun – I recommend them for anyone looking to get out.


The meet started well: a tipple of port and a slice of homemade cake – what more could you want?  We were only five minutes into the start of the ride when Arlo and I hit the deck, and it wasn’t his fault. We got completely taken out by a loose horse.

Arlo was particularly keen this day. I rarely can’t stop him, but he wanted to be near the front and we had quite the interesting start. It was made even more interesting when a loose horse came hurtling towards us and put both of us, quite firmly, on the floor. It all happened ever so quickly, but poor Arlo just couldn’t stand up on the concrete we were on when it happened. The only thing I can vividly remember is a hoof coming towards my head when I was on the floor as he scrambled up, fortunately missing me.

I quickly got up but, unfortunately, in a shocked panic, he’d already galloped off after the loose horse and the rest of the hunt. Panic ensued, as I’m sure you can imagine. It really is such a worry when you have a loose horse near a road. And with no regards to myself, I was quickly up on my feet, running across fields to get to him, and it was such a relief when I saw the quad had managed to catch him in the distance. But I kept running until I was eventually with him.

Fortunately, he was mainly in one piece. He had bit his tongue, but other than that was unscathed and I was happy to carry on with him. I, on the other hand, had an injured hand and wrist, a bruised bum and a bruised leg. But I didn’t really realise until the end of the hunt and the adrenaline started wearing off – you know what us equestrians are like.


Anyway, after a dramatic start, we had a great day out. In fact, it was one of my favourite hunts to date. I always go by myself and I met the loveliest people. Lots of port was consumed and Arlo and I got a little braver with our jumping again. You really can’t beat being out in the sunshine with the hounds and the horses.

We’re already looking forward to next time.


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