The trio have been keeping me busy these past few weeks: Freya has had a saddle fitting, Bob’s had a lesson and Autumn’s been out with a new friend exploring lanes not too far from our yard.

Horse rider

Freya’s saddle fitting went really well. The fitter was impressed with her condition and conformation. She was equal on all of her measurements, which was great, and the saddle I had been using to sit on her was the right size and shape. All that was needed was a small bit of flocking and a gullet change and we are now good to go. I had the first real test drive at the weekend with a bit more trot work and a quick trial at canter, as we hadn’t done any since she arrived. She did make me chuckle as during the first few attempts her legs were all over the place – my partner said it looked “interesting”! She did get it a short while later and managed a nice canter on each rein. I’m looking forward to more training with her.


Bob had his first lesson since his second fall. He did some lovely trot work and went nicely over poles, and to top it all off – not one nap! He even behaved and just stared when, out of nowhere, some National Grid men in fluorescent orange jackets popped up from behind a hedge on the other side of the river. I’m hoping to now get him back into proper training and start doing some things with him, as the time off seems to have helped us both reset and we are working with each other so much better.

Horse trotting

Autumn’s been a bit stiff and sore with the boggy ground conditions. I had arranged with a lady local to the yard to pop to her farm and go for a hack, but in the week leading up to it I feared I was going to cancel. At the very start of the week, Autumn was really struggling with her arthritis and the wet conditions. Luckily, she perked up towards the end of the week, so on Sunday morning I got her out to brush her and she was happily standing in the sun. The minute I got the horsebox out, she was fidgety and pulling at her lead rope, trying to prance about. I had a feeling of dread, thinking she was anxious about the whole thing – well, she fooled me. I untied her and, the minute I did, she dragged me up to the horsebox and ran in, positioning herself perfectly for the partition to be closed! I was so pleased at how eager she was to go out again.


When we arrived at the farm, I tacked up and got aboard, only to realise I didn’t have my fluorescent vest on. My partner was holding her whilst I slipped it on, and it was like being on a bronco. She was raring to go! We both absolutely loved the hack, as it was great to have company, and the horses got on brilliantly. We are hoping to do it more regularly, and I may on occasion take Freya.

Having all three in work is going to keep me super busy, but I’m so excited by it and can’t wait to get them all out to a few shows and fun rides!

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