We managed to get out to the Fillongley Agricultural Society Show thanks to my farrier being able to squeeze us in for a new pair of shoes for Autumn – yay! And not to be outdone, Bob decided to loosen his back shoes so he also got a new pair – grrr!

I was so pleased as I was really looking forward to attending this one as we missed it last year. I managed to plait Autumn up in a quicker time than usual and, much to my delight, the plaits and buns actually looked tidy and secure – hurrah.

Horses in field

Arriving at the show, I was gobsmacked how full the horse parking was already as I thought we had arrived early. This added to my excitement and nerves! Autumn went in for her first class, which was In-hand Veterans over 20 Years, and scooped third place and prize money. We then were able to have a break and lunch, and my other half went off exploring all the stalls and demos whilst I sat at the box with Autumn. It was good as it’s one of the first shows at which he has been able to go off and have non-horsey fun looking at vintage cars etc. so I’m sure he will happily come with me next year!

We had our Ridden Veterans over 20 Years class in the afternoon, where Autumn scooped a fab first place, prize money and a cup! Not only that, she then went on to take Overall Ridden Veteran Champion, which also meant we took part in the Supreme parade in the huge main arena with all the champions, including the heavy horses and livestock. It was an amazing experience, and I was beaming throughout. I was also so glad Autumn behaved (there were a lot of people watching and I didn’t fancy a snorting dragon darting about sideways). She looked at the pigs, cows and sheep and was fine, and, although a bit unsure of the rams, didn’t flinch at all, not even when they passed close to her.

We had such a fun day, and I was so proud of her. I had hoped we would get to participate in the parade, but after seeing the number of horses did doubt our chances, so I felt hugely grateful when she took Champion and could be involved. With her being an older horse, I count the time with her as a blessing, as you never know how long they will still be with you, so for her to achieve this was a dream come true.

Horse at show

The next day she had a much more relaxing time as we did a fun ride just up the road with our pals, a few miles just wandering lanes and fields which was a nice and calm way for her to have a chill out after the busy day before.

The trio had the dentist this morning for their check-up – pleased to say each one of them behaved brilliantly! I was wary of Bob after he had his tooth out last year, so Autumn went first, meaning he could watch her and realise it wasn’t going to hurt him. His turn came and he was so well-behaved even the dentist exclaimed at how calm he was throughout. Aria too had no issues and happily stood there to have her teeth done. It really does show how important it is to have people you trust, and who your horses are happy with, to make it a stress-free experience.

Horse practice

Aria has the physio at the end of the week to see if some tweaks can be made to help her with some soreness she is experiencing. Fingers crossed we get to the root of the problem so we can recommence backing her!

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