I wrote recently about foraging for supplies to make some Christmas wreaths for my home, and when I was buying wire and such from a craft shop I noticed some jingle bells and couldn’t resist buying them.

I had them in the house just waiting for the right moment to have a little play with them and Diva (Melland Queen of Scots). When I opened my bedroom curtains one Sunday morning to see a covering of snow, I couldn’t get down to the yard fast enough with jingle bells in hand!

Horse in outfit

When I parked the car up I could see Charlotte and Erin had the same idea and Tilly the miniature Shetland pony was proudly wearing an elf outfit complete with hat.

Like a child, I jumped out of the car, yelling: “I have jingle bells!”

We decided that Tilly wouldn’t mind letting Diva play dress-up with her outfit. I got the stable chores done whilst Tilly was taken for a walk. When they returned to the barn we put the little fleece rug on Diva and then on went the hat to much chuckling. To complete the outfit I wrapped the jingle bells around Diva’s neck, after giving them a good jingle to make sure that she wasn’t bothered by the sound. As expected, Diva didn’t bat an eyelid at the noisy bells.

Horse in snow

We carefully made our way to the arena as the yard was quite slippery. Diva again made me chuckle as she adjusted her stride, taking small steps to ensure she did not slip. Once in the school, as usual, off she went trotting and cantering about with no encouragement from us. Thankfully, despite the snow, she didn’t get down to roll.

Like all good Divas she had a change of outfit, but the reindeer antlers and red nose didn’t quite compare to the wonderful elf outfit.

Thank goodness I don’t have to put this little elf on a shelf!

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