As the summer draws to a close, the East Anglian Shetland Pony Group hold their performance show at World Horse Welfare in Norfolk. The show holds classes for everyone from affiliated, registered pony classes to driving classes, various fun classes and gymkhana events for the children.

It is always a friendly show and so it was perfect for Erin and Tilly’s first-ever show. Toplarch Tilly Trotter is a two-year-old skewbald miniature Shetland pony filly and, although she was eligible for the affiliated classes, we opted for the fun ring as Erin is only seven years old. Diva (Melland Queen of Scots) also came along, but more about her later.

Small Pony

Erin and Tilly’s first class was the Young Handler, where the handlers had to be 16 years and under. Erin did a great job to be placed seventh in a big class. They then went into the Cheekiest Pair class and came out with second place. Erin really wanted to go into the Longest Mane and Tail Class as she spends a lot of time keeping Tilly tidy at home and, to our delight, they won. There was an obstacle course where the fastest time won and Tilly and Erin flew around it to earn third place. Erin had an armful of prizes and I am sure she has the showing bug. We hope to bring them back for the group’s spring show where Tilly will be in the age and type classes.

Diva had stood on the box whilst we started the classes with Tilly, and she was quite happy to do so as she had a big net full of lovely hay to keep her occupied. Her classes were in the afternoon as I opted only to do the Standard Mare class and the Intermediate Pony (4-6yrs) class to avoid clashing with Tilly’s classes. As Diva is now six it was her last chance to enter the intermediate pony class.

Dog in coat

My lovely pony put her best hoof forward and won both classes, bringing home a trophy we won on our last visit to the show two years ago.

I can’t mention this show without talking about my little dog, Flora. I met her for the first time at the show two years ago and formally adopted her on the 2nd of October. She loves coming to the shows with me; in fact, she pretty much goes everywhere with me and is a great little friend. So happy Gotcha Day, Flora!

(Diva’s photos courtesy of Fae Loudoun Photography)

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