It was all change at the yard once more. With Treat having completed his horse walker regime, it was time for him to go home. As he doesn’t like travelling on his own, it was Diva’s turn to act as his companion for the journey.

Horse companions

Rather than have an empty stable, another horse travelled with Diva on the return trip. Florence has been with my sister since before the pandemic, and now that everything is feeling more normal, she is back to improve her fitness in readiness for her workload to be increased.

I got Diva and Florence settled in their stables and then went to get Mabel in from the field. Would Mabel recognise her daughter after an absence of two years? Well, she certainly did! I let them say hello to each other over Florence’s stable door before putting Mabel into her stable. They are opposite each other in the barn and so can readily see each other.

Horse in the stable

With the mud in parts of the field being deep and the ground slippery, I didn’t turn all three of them out together for the first few days until the ground had dried up a little. I took Mabel and Diva down first and then Florence.

Florence was perfectly mannerly as I led her down to the field, but she did feel about three hands taller than usual! Mabel and Diva were about halfway down the field when I let Florence go. She trotted down the field to meet them. Diva kept squeaking and cantering about with Florence following her. It was comical to watch.

Horses in the field

After a few minutes and thankfully no slips, they settled down. Mabel ambled over to Florence and soon they were mutual grooming. Diva stood with her back to them, clearly unimpressed with their antics after having Mabel to herself for so long. Hopefully, Diva will soon forgive both Mabel and Florence and stop sulking, but she looks very cute when she is cross.

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