Florence arriving back at the yard has altered things a little. She and Mabel are very close and so Diva was feeling put out. Lots of grumpy-faced little black pony and unimpressed Florence glaring at each other over the first few days until Mabel decided to share her time between the two.

Horses Eating

We’ve been blessed with lovely warm weather and so I decided that the girls could be out 24/7 for several days, and I think that helped them to sort out their issues. Luckily no kicking or biting was involved.

With the warmer, drier weather I thought I better get out my walking shoes and restart taking Diva for walks around the village. Despite not being led out along the lanes for such a long time, Diva was perfectly mannered. We encountered a tractor towing a trailer, a motorbike, several cyclists and even a man drilling a fence in his garden as we passed. He was so intent on his task that we made him jump when he saw us and not the other way round! The poor man couldn’t apologise enough for not stopping the noise. I thanked him but Diva didn’t so much as twitch about it. She has got such a great attitude.

Horses sharing food

I had the presence of mind to put some money in the pocket of my jeans, so we were able to stop at The Boot in South Luffenham for refreshments. They were delighted to see us again especially as we could introduce them to dog Flora. They provided a bowl of water for Flora, and Diva was delighted to accept a carrot. Sadly, although I remembered money for drinks, I forgot to take any photos! I guess that I got my priorities right. However, the next day I remembered to take photos but no money!

horses bonding

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