It seemed rather odd this year to be celebrating the official birthday for just one pony. Diva (Melland Queen of Scots) is now seven years old, though her actual birthday is not until July. Seven years old! How did that happen? It seems like a blink of an eye since she arrived as a little yearling. She has grown into a beautiful mature mare and her character has also developed along the way. She is a very lovable pony who always makes me smile no matter what my mood might be.

Black horse

January also marks the start of her show preparation. I don’t tend to rug her, but I do begin to work her on the lunge to help her lose any winter fat and develop her muscles. She has a great work ethic and so is easy to lunge. I also work her loose in the school at times and that is when she really makes me chuckle as she properly gallops around as fast as her little legs will take her. Diva is always busy, even in the field. She trots or canters to go for a drink, rather than walking, and when it is time to come in, if she isn’t waiting she usually gallops up to me.

I had worried about how she would be following the loss of Mabel but, being quite an independent pony, she has coped really well. She has other ponies in the field next door to chat to and, luckily, was already used to being stabled on her own at times.

Black horse

As the weather improves, I will add leading her out around the lanes to her routine. I don’t know who enjoys it more, Diva or me.

January is also the time I start to plan which big shows we want to compete at during the season, as the county show entries have to be done months in advance of the actual show date. As soon as I have decided, I will let you know.

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