It all was going so well. I was enjoying the long Platinum Jubilee weekend, being off work Thursday and Friday. I got plenty of jobs done on the Thursday and then on Friday I washed Diva (Melland Queen of Scots) in preparation for Midland Counties Show the following day. I then donned my glad rags and went to a friend’s party in the afternoon. It was lovely to catch up with everyone and Flora was invited too.

An early night was had, but we had the luxury of not needing to leave until 11am for Arena UK as it is not far from home. Diva practically trotted up the ramp and travelled well. Once there I checked Diva and took Flora for a little walk to assess the likely time of our class.

Back at the lorry I changed into my showing outfit, made sure Flora was settled in her bed in the living area of the box before getting Diva brushed and bridled. She really takes no time to get ready. I led her up to the ring and was pleased to see my friend Marilyn there waiting with her pony.

As we chatted, I started to feel ill with stomach ache. It got worse and worse and I told Marilyn that I didn’t think I could take Diva in. Marilyn then very kindly offered to show Diva for me, all I had to do in return was hold her pony as I leant on the railings feeling decidedly crap.

Despite being ill, it was actually really nice to be able to watch Diva be handled by someone other than me as you get to see the whole pony. I did manage a chuckle when Marilyn gave Diva a practice trot up and asked if she normally squeaked! I assured her that it was quite normal and not an indication that the pony was about to be silly.

They looked great together and were placed second in a very strong Shetland Mare 4yrs and over class behind a multi-championship winning pony. Unfortunately, I couldn’t bask in the glory as I just wanted to get home, so I stole Diva back, grabbed my kit bag and got Diva loaded on the lorry as soon as I could. I had a little sit down with Flora and took some medication before heading home.

So although it wasn’t quite the day I expected, Diva still got to enjoy her class and was shown brilliantly by Marilyn, who even remembered to collect the prize money for me. Diva’s next outing is the trip of the season to the Royal Highland Show. We can’t wait!

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