Well, what a week we’ve had weather wise, storm Dennis swiftly followed by storm Eunice and oh joy another one, Franklin is here!

After a remarkably dry few months, I suppose it all had to end sometime, but wow, it really didn’t have to end like this! Rutland certainly hasn’t had it as bad as other areas of the country, but the gusts of wind have been so strong the rain was horizontal at times.


I really feel for those whose stables have been damaged and fields flooded. I have been lucky in that there has been no damage – touch wood – but as their field is so wet, I have kept the horses in. The horse walker has come into its own and there has been only a day or two where they have not been able to go on it.

With Diva not being able to get her head over the stable door due to her slight height deficiency, I always ensure she has time with Mabel in the lunge pen or even the stable so Diva can have a “chat” with Mabel and some time mutual grooming etc, so she is not isolated.

Dive & Mabel

I managed to get them out in the field for a few hours whilst I mucked out, but they hadn’t been out for very long when it started to rain again and they couldn’t wait to get back inside their cosy stables with lots of hay. Diva had enjoyed a good gallop thought. She may be small but she sure is fast!

I am being very careful with their diets as changes in management can cause colic. As mentioned above, they are able to go on the walker in all but the highest winds and can have a play in the lunge pen. I also ensure they have plenty of fibre beet and/or carrots to introduce moisture in their diets and hopefully prevent impactions.

At the moment, spring seems a very long way away despite snowdrops bursting into flower and daffodils beginning to grow.

Daffodil Flowers

One thing that makes me chuckle is how much my little rescue dog, Flora, hates the rain! She is so comical, dashing out for a wee with her ears flat back and eyes squinting before running for home as soon as she has done it. Also, she normally wants to come with me when I put my coat on, but these past stormy days have seen her snuggled on the sofa completely ignoring me!

I hope you are all staying safe in these storms, and honestly, it soon will be summer!

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