I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it to the East Anglian Shetland Pony Group’s spring show. It was being held at the World Horse Welfare, Snetterton which is quite a drive from Rutland and I wasn’t keen on heading off for a long day on my own. Flora of course would be going with me but she isn’t any good at helping with the ponies!


Luckily my friend Sam was happy to come to help. I am not sure she knew just what she was letting herself in for with two Shetlands to help with as I picked up Melland Jackson Jive along the way. Diva (Melland Queen of Scots) was pleased to see Jackson and they did make me chuckle by each trying to eat from the other’s haynet.

We arrived in plenty of time, so checked that the ponies were okay and took Flora for a little walk before having a bit of lunch. Then the action started. The ponies were in consecutive classes and so Sam and I got both ready and led them over to the indoor school. I asked Sam to lead Diva as she is generally quieter than Jackson can be. Well, it wasn’t the case today. Sam was walking behind me and Jackson, and all I could hear was squeaks from Diva and chuckles from Sam.

Once in the indoor school, we found a little spot to claim as our own whilst we waited for the first class. Jackson caught sight of himself in the wall mirrors and spent a happy five minutes chatting himself up.

Horse in mirror

Our first class was Standard Mare so with Sam holding Jackson, in Diva and I went. She really does enjoy her showing and was very pleased to be back in the ring. I was delighted when she was pulled in first.

As soon as I was out of the ring I swapped the ponies over and took Jackson in the Standard Gelding Class. He was placed third, and we dashed out of the ring as Diva was in the Standard Championship straight after. Gosh, I really need to get fitter!!

It was a very strong championship with some lovely ponies forward. Diva performed well to be awarded Reserve Standard Champion.


She had one more class after this, which was the Intermediate class for ponies four to six years old. At five now (where has the time gone!), Diva is right in the middle of the age bracket and completed a double by being judged the winner.

It was a happy if tired team that headed home afterwards, and the plus side is we haven’t put Sam off so she will come to groom for us again!

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