The winds are coming! 


Wow those howling winds were something last week! I had sleepless nights as I had left the horses out (stables surrounded by huuuge trees) wondering how I'd find them the next morning and what capers they had got up to! Low and behold they were absolute angels – all standing together at the top end of the field, with the electric fence all still intact to my utter amazement! Hurrah! I’m sure everyone worries the same as me about their neddies in conditions like this and it’s so hard to determine what’s best for them (mine prefer being out).


Bob had been on good boy behaviour (what’s he after?), hasn't put a hoof wrong since restarting full schooling, and seems to have so much more confidence now. We rode in very strong winds on Friday, when a year ago, I wouldn’t have even contemplated trying it (he would have decked me in first 2 minutes). He schooled beautifully even when a huge swirling cloud of leaves blew at us whilst cantering around (obviously not lethal anymore!?).


Autumn's going through a bit of a fizzy stage again (always happens around this time of year when she starts to wear rugs overnight) - flighty in the field and explosive in the arena – she has cracking speed when she wants – not too good for potentially trialling a dressage competition in the next month or two! Luckily from owning her for years I know this will pass soon.

Autumn and Aria enjoying brunch together

Autumn and Aria enjoying brunch together

Aria’s pretty much been Aria – making it her mission to destroy every electric fence I put up. Still progressing with her ground work and a lot more work required on her ridden work, although she is accepting her saddle when being tacked up a lot better now, as initially I think she was just a bit wary of it (No more eyeballing and she sees it being carried over). I’ve given her a break from the SimplyMare supplement to see if she’s actually maturing or if she needs it… by heck I need to get an order in!


Aria's 'devil on the shoulder' has begun to surface again starting with the dominant behaviour in the field arrggh! I'm in the process of organising a physio session for her too – let’s hope the supplement arrives in time!!


Normally blogs, just like my life, centre around the horses, however I can share some Paula stories with you this week. I had a rare day away from the yard, out visiting some different animals at the weekend which I thoroughly enjoyed – trekking up to Chester zoo, a long old journey but well worth it, seeing a Sloth just above my head in one of the walk thorough encounters was just brilliant as was the bat section! Chester Zoo is well worth a trip and I had the most amazing day and would recommend to all. 

Visit Chester Zoo Website


Back to horses and now to start planning ahead for the winter months dare I say! Hay sorted, feed to be bought then just the bedding to order and stables to tidy, and dragging out the medium and heavy weights…. Love the horses being snug when the temperature drops! Fingers crossed the weather maintains for a short while at least so they can stay out for a bit longer!

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