"Yet another vet bill"

Has anyone ever had one of those horses that every vet, receptionist and on call knows personally! I definitely have one of those horses!!

In 3 years of owning Travis we have had 2 overnight hospital stays, numerous accounts of colic, cuts, swelling and the latest was a very serious, but very un-researched eye condition called Eosinophilic Keratitis, fortunately for me, he always seems to be a horse that bounces back and is never a complainer!

So after 5 vet visits in 4 weeks, sinuses cleared, drops 3 times a day, painkillers 3 times a day and £1000 later it all seems to have cleared up!

Vets are back out in a month as apparently the disease can lay dormant and recur after treatment has stopped, but for now i'm just grateful we are back on track, he has turned another year older in August and did thoroughly enjoy breakfast in bed with his field pals!

"British Dressage"

So a while ago, I made the crazy decision to jump in the deep end and take on Novice!
No we aren't really ready, hell no we aren't competitive and super no we can't do medium work... however these tests seemed like the only way to rid all the spooking and switching off!
Prelims had too many long sides of nothing and 'easy' repetitive moves that I wondered if a harder test would keep him engaged!
Test 1, 61%, Test 2 63% so I said to myself, if we can pull off another 60% test then lets do it, let's register BD.
We might be the bottom of the pack, but at least at the 60 mark we won't be a complete laughing stock, and Test 3, 61%, so money where my mouth is I have registered BD and booked my first affiliated event!
On the down side I probably should have read which test i had booked! Counter Canter!! I mean how hard can it be to learn in 2 weeks!

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